The number PI: 3.14 way to remember the maximum number of decimal places

The number PI: 3.14 way to remember the maximum number of decimal places

Mnemonic techniques that help to cope with the infinite constant.

From a mathematical point of view the number PI is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, with a philosophical and numerical equivalent of infinity, with the calendar — “the namesake” March 14 (3,14), and practical — is a good material to hone mnemonic techniques.

In honor of the International day of PI, we decided to recall some of them.

To convert the number to history

It is proposed to replace the numbers with words containing the same number of letters. According to this principle, built the English phrase “May I have a large container of coffee beans” (“can I have a big bag of coffee beans?”), to help you remember the eight digits after the decimal point (3,14159265).

There are Russian language versions. For example, pre-revolutionary: “Who and joking and soon you will (b) PI to know the date already knows (b)” (10 digits — 3,1415926536).

Or a more modern version: “It was, and is to be respected at work” (3,1415926).

And also the verse: “This I know and remember well the “PI” many signs to me superfluous, in vain” (3,14159265358).

Created the “numerical history” can be packaged in any convenient format. For example, Soviet mathematician Yakov Perelman created a mnemonic dialogue:

— I know about circles? (3,1415).

— That I know a number called PI — well Done! (3,1415927).

— Learn and know in the famous number digit for digit, as the luck to notice! (3,14159265359).

Replace numbers with letters

Option for those who, for any reason, a random set of letters is easier to remember than a random set of numbers.

For this numbers 1 to 9 are replaced by the first nine letters of the selected alphabet. For example, this was the first part of the title “Cadaeic Cadenza” is a small works by the American mathematician Mike Keith, which, in total, encoded 3835 digits of PI.

In the Russian language, for this purpose you can use letters A to Z inclusive. But how convenient to remember are composed of combinations of them — you decide.

To draw an analogy

In fact, the phone numbers is the same “illogical” set of numbers as the irrational number PI. But if desired, it can be remember, if you have the aim.

Therefore, some mnemonic techniques propose to represent the number PI in the phone book, turning a number sequence in the phone number. However, in our time, few people learns them by heart, so you may have to find a more practical and relevant form.

To omstrukturering data

It is rather advice than a method that is suitable not only for memorizing PI.

If you still for some reason decided to learn it, it is recommended to split the number into small pieces (say, 4 characters), and remember it “a La carte”. For example, in order to learn the 10 combinations of four digits. And this is, neither more nor less than 39 decimal places.

