The bears tried to climb into the car with the baby in the Beijing Safari Park

The bears tried to climb into the car with the baby in the Beijing Safari Park

Himalayan bears tried to climb into the car with the tourists in a wildlife Park Badaling in suburb of Beijing. On Tuesday, February 28, reports ECNS.

Bears besiege Beijing car at safari park, no injuries reported

— 中国新闻社 (@CNS1952) February 28, 2017.

According to the eyewitness, one inhabiting the Park bears noticed a crack in the box car tourists. He tried to stick his paw inside to get to sitting in the car child. The dog managed to pull the window down lower, but never reached out to people.

Near the car began to meet other bears, but a few minutes later there arrived the staff of the Park and saved surrounded by predators tourists. As a result of incident nobody has suffered.

The investigation revealed that the window opened not guess about the danger of the child.

The wildlife Park covers about 24 square kilometers near the site of the great wall, 75 kilometers away from Beijing. It is inhabited by about two thousand animals, including wolves, lions and giraffes. Tourists can watch them from their cars. In addition, the Park staff arrange for visitors to tour by minibus.

In 2016, the tigers attacked two of the visitors wildlife Park, Badaling, violated security rules and left the car. One of them died, another was injured.

