Defined by applied nature loaf of bread damage

Defined by applied nature loaf of bread damage

Scientists from the University of Sheffield (UK) found global average environmental cost of a loaf of bread, or in other words, render its production impact on the surrounding environment. A study published in the journal Nature Plants.

More than half of the environmental impact from the production of a loaf of bread falls on the cultivation of wheat, in which more biomass grain used ammonium nitrate. The finished product is responsible for the emission into the atmosphere 0,589 kg of carbon dioxide.

To such conclusions scientists have traced the complete cycle of production of a loaf of whole wheat bread, weight 0.8 kgs, from growing crops to transporting the final product to store shelves.

The study authors noted that it is unlikely in the twenty-first century will be able to reduce the use of fertilizers in the cultivation of wheat. According to scientists, this would reduce carbon dioxide emissions and slightly slow the pace of global warming.

On food production, according to experts, account for about a third of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.

