Sherlock recognized as the most favorite character BBC worldwide

Sherlock recognized as the most favorite character BBC worldwide

The unthinkable happened: Sherlock Holmes Benedict Cumberbatch surpassed all its competitors and was unanimously voted the most beloved character created British broadcasting company BBC.

This is evidenced by the results of an international survey, initiated by the flagship of British television. It was held between 19 and 22 February. In voting have taken part more than seven thousand people from Australia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico and the United States.

In favor of the Sherlock spoke 29,7%, Doctor Who — 17,6%, another 12.4% of respondents testified their sympathy Idris Elba in the role of Luther in the eponymous TV series.

Followed by: Basil Fawlty from “Hotel “Fawlty towers”, recently recognized as the most witty British Comedy series, hereinafter — the Stig, the collective image of pilots of test of the TV show Top Gear (losing on all counts amazinescom Grand Tour after leaving there team of Jeremy Clarkson), Patsy stone from the sitcom “Just amazing” (Absolutely fabulous), the inimitable Edmund “the Black adder” from the same series (Blackadder) performed by Rowan Atkinson, Hyacinth bucket from the Comedy “Observe decorum” (Keeping Up Appearences), the vicar of Dibley (The Vicar of Dibley) from the eponymous sitcom, created by Richard Curtis and also what is really quite surprising, malicious and merciless Daleks from the universe all the same “Doctor Who”.

Series8.5Шерлок2010 / UK / 1 hour 30 minutes Sherlockдрамадетективный

As for “Sherlock”, the rights to his show were sold 240 jurisdictions, and the Christmas special “the Ugly bride” (The Abominable Bride) has been shown in more than six thousand theaters in the Asia-Pacific region. And proceeds from the shows “sherlockiana” the day of the launch in China and Korea exceeded the income from ticket sales for “Star wars: the Force Awakening”. Apart from Asia, where around Sherlock observed the excitement close to hysteria, really like Sherlock in Mexico, India and Germany.

In the category of favorite scenes from the show, the BBC observed the following distribution of the award. In the first place (with 26% votes) — Sherlock jump off a skyscraper to meet his “death” from the last episode of the second season (“the Reichenbach falls”), which can also be called the end is clear to all and quite recognizable “sherlockiana”. And that is suicide “note” Sherlock, John, left in oral form, and uttered unspeakable sad voice broke at the time, the hearts of many hundreds of thousands of members of the notorious karlokowski “fandom”, giving rise to a bunch of clips, sentimental stories, crazy interpretations, quickening the detective, and others.

In second place — a sketch “Dead parrot” (The Dead Parrot) from the immortal Monty Python sketch, where, no doubt, drew his inspiration no less brilliant Duo of Stephen fry and Hugh Laurie for his show Bits of Fry and Laurie and specifically for hilarious in every sense of the word miniature in veterinary hospitals (Mr. Burmie).

In third place is a win — win option called “Regeneration of the Doctor”, where everyone can choose a favorite era and a hero. However, most likely, the older generation, who chose this image as the most expensive for them on British television, meant, first of all, parting with the beloved Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker.

But the most dramatic new incarnation, no doubt, is the transformation of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) Eleventh (Matt Smith) and his heartbreaking “I don’t want to go!”, and no less sentimental goodbye to the last, gave way to the Twelfth incarnation (Peter Capaldi), sexiga before “regeneration”: “I will always remember when the Doctor was me.” Given the recent untimely death of John hurt, many may cry over the departure of the “war Doctor”, revealed himself in the jubilee speciest “Doctor who” (The Day of The Doctor).

Next comes a timeless classic. And there awaits a surprise: the image of us dearly beloved immortal of literature, who conquered even the British, albeit in a somewhat frivolous modern interpretation — a new adaptation of “War and peace” performed by the BBC and scenario processing Andrew Davis. Most interestingly, the British conquered the same scene, which makes tremble the hearts of millions in our country (mainly female) for almost half a century — the first ball of Natasha Rostova and dance with Prince Andrew (which on the account Lifetime, posted the video on YouTube, for some reason called Alex).

Thus, “War and peace” once walked “Pride and prejudice” with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy and the infamous “scene at the pond.”

Next is a scene from “the Hotel “Fawlty towers” in which the hapless Basil Fawlty takes out her frustration on an innocent car.

Still from immortal teleclasses — meeting David Attenborough, the legendary lead programs about nature, with the gorillas in Rwanda.

The next stage included in the honorary list, was to show the David Brent of his dancing abilities in “Office” (The Office), the sitcom, which occupies in the hearts of British traditional consumers of mass culture the same location as “Office romance” with us.

No less remembered by the audience with the killer in the bedroom of “Luther” and a sketch from a sitcom about world war II (Yes, the Brits have such) called “Dads army” (Dad’s Army), when the British private pike, who was captured with his command, inadvertently gave his name to the commander of a German submarine, saving these of his boss, who did not fail to take advantage.

