The election of the President of the RAS can go in the new scenario

The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) may change. Relevant information to the staff portal “Indicator” received from the initiative group of members of the Academy.

According to the newspaper, scientists are going to change the rules of the General meeting of the organization, which will elect the management of wounds. In particular, we are talking about the need to adopt a rule mechanism whereby you can vote for only one candidate for the presidency of the Academy.

Among other things, the initiative group of members of the Academy has allocated to the entire procedure of the elections a few days from 21 to 24 March. Now the whole process (presentation of candidates, discussion, distribution and filling out ballots) allotted part of the second half of the day.

Containing such proposals document were sent to members of the Academy.

The final decision on the initiative will be taken on February 21. On the same day, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on results of the secret ballot will have to support one of three candidates for the election of the President of the Academy — the selected candidates will stand first in the ballot for elections in March.

In the elections of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which will be held in March 2017, will be attended by the current head of the Academy Vladimir Fortov, Director of the Institute of molecular biology named after V. A. Engelgardt, Alexander Makarov, and the Chairman of the Russian Foundation for basic research, Director of Institute of problems of laser and information technologies RAS academician Vladislav Panchenko.

