Aimed at the inspection of nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1” the robot failed his mission

Aimed at the inspection of nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1” the robot failed his mission

Initially it was assumed that the robot is equipped with cameras and sensors radiation levels and temperature, inspect the space between the inner shell of the reactor and the housing.

TOKYO, February 16. /Offset. TASS Cyril Agafonov. The robot is aimed at the examination of the second reactor of damaged Japanese nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1” could not fulfill its mission. He decided to leave in. This was announced by the company — the operator of station Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO, “Tokyo electric power”).

Not mentioned yet reasons the robot is in the shape of a Scorpion, whose length reaches 70 cm, is not able to reach their goal. He probably could not move to the preset point due to prevent it wreckage, said channel, & NHK.

Professionals to control the robot first tried to get him, but in the end he abandoned this and decided to leave it inside the reactor, cutting the cable, attached to the robot. The operation time was limited due to the high radiation level inside the reactor reaches 650 sieverts per hour.

Initially it was assumed that the robot is equipped with cameras and sensors radiation levels and temperature, inspect the space between the inner shell of the reactor and the housing. This is necessary to obtain detailed information on the plant status, the presence of debris and other garbage, which is important for further operations on elimination of consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants.

Earlier, the liquidators using the probe could detect the hole diameter of about 2 meters in the steel supports of the reactor.

In addition, under this set was recorded some clots of black. Experts believe that this may be the remains of nuclear fuel, which burned through the reactor vessel, gushed out and partially melted the supports installation.

The next stage of works on liquidation of emergency station will be removing spent nuclear fuel from the first three reactors, which suffered much stronger than the fourth unit on which the operation was completed at the end of 2014. Thereafter, the liquidators will be able to start preparing for the most dangerous part of the operation — the removal of melted fuel from internal parts of reactors. As expected, this stage of experts TEPCO will be able to start no earlier than 2025, and completely demolish the “Fukushima-1” it is planned only to 2040-mu.

The accident at the NPP “Fukushima-1” occurred in March 2011, when the tsunami hit the station has failed the power supply systems and cooling. As a result, three reactors melted fuel, which burned through the protective shell of the reactor. This was accompanied by hydrogen explosions and the release of large amounts of radioactive substances that led to the contamination of surrounding area. Currently, nuclear power plants are liquidation work continues on the decontamination of the affected areas.

