The star of the ether: you could become a radio host?

The star of the ether: you could become a radio host?

On 13 February the whole world celebrates the Day of radio.

Formally, there are two radio Day, which are celebrated on different days and for different occasions. First — professional — meet the workers.

Congratulations they share may 7 — the day when Russian physicist Alexander Popov spent the first radio session. Feast on a regular basis say for a long time, since 1945.

The second holiday, which is called the world radio day is considered to be quite young. It was first noted in 2012. It happened on February 13 and the date is chosen not casually: on this day 71 years ago aired “UN Radio” station which was located at the headquarters of the United Nations.

The radio host profession requires not only professional skills but also the ability to hold in public, not to be lost in the event of force majeure and the ability to adapt the scenario on the go.

In radio Day, we invite readers to take a test that will help determine whether you’re ready to become a star of the ether or not.

