Why whales and dolphins are beaching?

Why whales and dolphins are beaching?

Hundreds of pilot whales (black dolphins) jumped last night on the coast of Golden Bay, North of the South island of New Zealand. AIPPI explains what can be attributed to this behavior.


According to research, there are several theories that explain this phenomenon. Dolphins, whales, porpoises and seals are beaching in alone, when you lose orientation or suffer from any disease, infection or injury. Young specimens of mammals can commit such acts simply because of inexperience.

Scientists also believe that cetaceans can jump out on the shore due to the noise pollution of the ocean, which injures the organs of hearing and echolocation. Signals coming from low-frequency receivers, and sonar for military ships and submarines, are perceived by mammals at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

Due to the terrifying sound animals are forced to swim closer to the shore, where a wave pushes ashore. Other possible causes disorientation of whales is the weather conditions; diseases (viruses, brain lesions, parasites in the ears and sinuses); underwater seismic activity; magnetic anomaly; unfamiliar underwater topography.

Scientists also put forward the theory of the strong social cohesion in relation to the toothed whales. According to the study, if one whale gets into circumstances that force him to jump ashore, the others supposedly follow him, and also beaching.

Hundreds of Pilot Whales Die After Beaching in New Zealand https://t.co/tF5ZrXLZAO @nyt #science pic.twitter.com/TxtuGx81Nx

— AVST CX-E (@AVSTCXE) February 10, 2017
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Behavior of marine animals is also affected by the temperature of the water in the oceans and changes in marine currents, caused by climate change on the planet. In addition, the ejection of cetaceans ashore is due to pollution of the world ocean. Thousands of tons of debris and oil, which float on the surface of the water, can contribute to the poisoning of these animals by toxic substances.

Among the reasons of such behavior of mammals, scientists also called the displacement of the poles of the Earth, extreme tides, which animals do not have time to leave the shallow waters to the low tide, and a particular topography — it is known that in certain parts of the coast of mass stranding of dolphins occur annually.

