Japanese record holder for a minute, snapped his fingers 296 times

Japanese record holder for a minute, snapped his fingers 296 times

Japanese student, Satoyuki Fujimura (Fujimura Satoyuki) managed for a minute to snap your fingers 296 times and was listed in the Guinness Book of records. About it reports UPI.

The record was set during the show Tantei! Knightscoop in the presence of the official judges of Guinness. The video that by the end of the allotted time, the student began to tire. Some clicks were given to him with difficulty, and was barely audible.

The judge studied the videotape by two professional sound designers and found that only 296 clicks was accompanied by a distinguishable sound. It was more than enough to count the result. The previous record holder did in a minute on 18 clicks less.

Fujimura argues that learned to snap his fingers from his mother when he was a teenager.

1 February it was reported that in Austria 508 procession came down the mountain on a sled to get into the Guinness Book of records.

