Fursenko questioned the need for the study of homeopathy at the level of RAS and Ministry of health

Andrei Fursenko

The Russian presidential aide Andrei Fursenko said that emerged in the controversy around homeopathy and its lunarfest was not worth my energy on them, he was quoted by RIA Novosti on Tuesday, February 7.

“I’m not sure that these are the main problems that today have to worry about our science and medicine,” the official said, noting the high professionalism of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) for combating pseudoscience.

On 6 February, the Commission on pseudoscience when the RAS Presidium published a report On “the false scientific character of homeopathy”. Experts recommended the health Ministry to withdraw homeopathic remedies from the state hospitals, and the FAS is to protect potential buyers from unfair advertising, which refers to the “healing properties” of such funds. Pharmacies were encouraged to put homeopathic medicines separately from other drugs.

“We prove that homeopathic “dilutions” often there is not a single molecule of the active ingredient. To the body to act, it is necessary in the cell to deliver at least something. And cells in the body billions,” — said in an interview with National news service (NSN), the Chairman of the Commission on pseudoscience when the RAS Presidium Evgeniy Alexandrov.

Later in the Ministry of health outlined plans to establish a working group to further regulate the industry. The discussions of the working group plan to involve representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences and best medical institutions in the country, and specialists in homeopathy.

