Scientists will try to convince the Ministry of health in the lunarfest homeopathy

Continued: Onishchenko commented on the recognition of homeopathy pseudoscience

The Commission to combat pseudoscience of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) prepared a Memorandum “On the false scientific character of homeopathy”, writes “Kommersant”.

The Commission advised the health Ministry to withdraw all homeopathic medicines from public hospitals, and the antitrust duty to protect citizens from false advertising about the presence of such drugs “medicinal properties”. In addition, pharmacies are advised not to spread homeopathy in conjunction with traditional medications, and pharmacists to stop recommending to consumers.

According to the document, “treatment of ultra-low doses” of homeopathic drugs has no “scientific basis and justification”. “Explain the mechanisms of the proposed action of homeopathy contradict the known chemical, physical and biological laws, and convincing experimental confirmation of its effectiveness do not exist”,— said in a Memorandum.

The document reminds that homeopathy has existed for over 200 years, attempts to bring under it theoretical basis made repeatedly, but all of them, including clinical trials, were unsuccessful.

Homeopathy a form of alternative medicine based on the use of ultra-low doses of drugs, causing in large doses manifestations of the same disease in healthy citizens. The principle of treating “like with like” formulated in the eighteenth century by the German physician Christian Hahnemann. The use of homeopathy in “public health practice” was allowed by the order of Ministry of health of Russia in 1995.

