Analyst: talk about the partition of Russia are in the European sidelines a long time

European politicians have long discussed the annexation of the Kaliningrad region, however doing it in secret. Such opinion on air of radio station “Star” said political analyst Sergei Markov, commenting on the appeal of the Deputy of the Lithuanian Seimas Linas Balsys to select oblast, Russia. According to the analyst, Balsis “slip” and voiced what had been discussed on the sidelines for a long time.


“There is a formation of a certain set of actions against Russia. Goal – the elimination of Russian statehood, the territorial dismemberment of Russia. These the idea of walking around in secret. This Deputy, can be said to have let slip that discussed on the sidelines. Discusses Kaliningrad oblast to take away from Russia and transfer it, of course, not Lithuania, and Germany. Pass Pechenga and Karelia to Finland, to transfer all of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin-Japan, transfer Ukraine, Kuban, Crimea, Rostov and Voronezh region”, – said Markov.


Speaking at the discussion “the World in 2017” in Vilnius, Balsis invited the Lithuanian authorities to address the issue of the Kaliningrad region. He also suggested that to take away from Russia a part of its territory could and the EU.

Photo: Igor Zarembo / RIA Novosti

