Fluent diplomat from North Korea has talked about nuclear development Pyongyang

Tae Yong Ho

A former North Korean diplomat Tae Yong Ho, who defected to South Korea, said that Pyongyang plans to complete the development of an Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) by the end of 2017 — beginning of 2018. On Sunday, 8 January, said the Agency “Yonhap”.

New weapons, according to the defector, will be able to reach the continental United States.

January 1 new year address to the nation, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN assured that the North Korean ICBM is “in final stages of development”. He also promised that the country will continue to strengthen its military capabilities, if “the United States to undertake an aggressive policy.”

Prior to this, at the end of December 2016, North Korea refused to dismantle its missile and nuclear programme at the request of NATO. In addition, the UN Security Council issued a series of resolutions banning Pyongyang to conduct a nuclear test. However, the DPRK leadership has stated that in light of the hostile policy of the U.S. Republic has the full right to strengthen the defense capability of the country, and refused to recognize these decisions. In this regard, the UN security Council imposed sanctions against North Korea.

A senior North Korean diplomat Tae Yong Ho was reported missing in August of 2016 from the Embassy in London shortly before returning home. Later it became known that he, along with his wife and children fled to South Korea. His family was taken under the protection of the government. As reported by Russian service “Bi-bi-si”, August 20, Pyongyang accused Tae Yong Ho divulging state secrets and illegal embezzlement.

