Three thousand people are searching in the area of 10 sq km – the Russian defense Ministry

Immediately after the crash of Tu-154 Russian defense Ministry was formed the search area a total area of 10.5 sq kms in search and rescue operations involved more than three thousand people, reports the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation.


On the site of the crash, the search continues. Earlier it was reported about the discovery on the site of the crash the seven bodies of the victims.


Early on Sunday morning, the plane of the defense Ministry’s Tu-154 crashed off the coast of Sochi. It disappeared from radar screens and stopped communicating after 2 minutes after takeoff.


The first fragments were discovered 1.5 kilometers from the coast at a depth of 50-70 meters. In addition to performers of the Alexandrov ensemble, on Board was a famous doctor Elizabeth Glinka (Doctor Liza), and nine journalists. The crew of TV channel “Star”, “First channel” and NTV.

Photo: Nina zotina / RIA Novosti

