Kandinsky or Kandinsky?

Kandinsky or Kandinsky?

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the artist “news” decided to find out how recognizable his work in Russia.

Wassily Kandinsky many know as one of the founders of abstract art. But on the way to major success you must make the steps smaller. And sometimes simple, but no less important decisions are taken not in the young age.

See alsothe Painting of Kandinsky or substance under a microscope?

Kandinsky grew up in a wealthy family. The parents saw the son of a successful lawyer and encouraged him to enroll in the appropriate faculty of the Moscow University. Fine art he always loved, but the parents still followed.

Only when Basil was in his 30s, he approached his calling and finally decided to become an artist than determined not only his destiny, but forever influenced people who love fine art.

In honor of the 150th anniversary of Kandinsky “news” decided to find out how recognizable works in Russia and are they easy to confuse with the works of other artists.

