That comes into effect in December 2016

That comes into effect in December 2016

With December 2016 to come into force amendments to the SDA, requiring you to carry a child up to 12 years, special car seats for children, mandatory labelling of fur products, and requirements for entities to disclose information about their owners.

The deadline for paying property taxes

In 2016, the deadline for the payment of citizens from all property taxes: land, transportation, tax on property of physical persons are transferred to the end of the year 1 Dec. The obligation to pay taxes arises from the receipt of the tax notice.

In FNS warn if before December 1, 2016, the taxpayer will not pay taxes for their property, you are obliged to pay penalties. They are charged for each calendar day of delay of execution of the obligation to pay tax.

The guardianship for adults

December 1, introduces a simplified procedure of establishing guardianship for incapacitated loved ones, relatives, if they live together with the ward not less than 10 years. Previously, relatives of the adult is incapacitated or not completely capable citizens acting General order establishing the guardianship.

See alsoAge of the parent’s disagreement

From 1 December to child custody will be enough four documents:

  • the application for appointment of guardian;
  • the proof of the relationship with the ward;
  • copy of marriage certificate (if the person is in it);
  • medical certificate about state of health according to the results of medical examination of a citizen who expressed a desire to become a guardian.

Rules of transportation of children in the car

From 1 December 2016 will come into force amendments to the SDA, which will be obliged to carry a child up to 12 years restraint devices made in the form of car seats. It is believed that only in this case, young children will ensure maximum safety when placing such passengers in the front seat and when installing the car seat in either a rear seat.

Useful informacijas to choose a car seat

Carriage of children under the new rules will also ensure the effective working of the standard safety belt, no matter what reasons have caused by getting the vehicle in the accident (frontal or side impact, rollover machines, etc.).

New rules for transporting children are designed to reduce the damage to their health and life, so ignoring such requirements can always be regarded as a neglect of the fate of the young passengers.

The penalty for violation of rules of transportation of children is contained in section 3 of article 12.23 of the administrative code. For failure to comply with traffic rules (“children”) the driver is issued a fine of 3000 rubles. Official is a violation of the “cost” in 25 thousand roubles, legal — to 100 thousand rubles In respect of adult passengers, the carriage of which is carried out with violations, the law provides for more lenient punishment — fine of 500 rubles.

Disclosure legal entities with information about the owners

From 21 December 2016 will come into force changes in the Federal law from 23.06.2016 No. 215-FZ Federal law of 07.08.2001 № 115-FZ “On counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way and financing of terrorism” was amended.

Legal entities will be required regularly, but not less than once a year, to update information on their beneficial owners and to document the obtained information, and store information about their owners.

Under the beneficial owner is an individual that has dominant participation of more than 25 percent in equity of a legal entity or has the ability to control its actions.

In addition, the law provides for liability for breach of a legal entity responsibilities for the establishment and presentation of information about their owners in the form of imposing of an administrative penalty on officials in the amount from 30 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, on legal entities — from 100 to 500 thousand rubles.

Labeling of fur products

From December 1, in Russia will be prohibited the circulation of unmarked fur. According to the head of the Ministry of industry and trade of Russia Denis Manturov, Russia will have a system of marking industrial products.

Marking system — not just the identification of the goods. As stated by the Minister of trade and industry, “this system allows to identify and block the existing scheme of evasion from payment of customs and tax payments.”

Each coat must have the control identification mark (KIZ). The marking is intended to protect consumers from substandard products.

For sellers of fur products each stamp will cost 15 to 22 rubles. For domestic production provided City green, to import the red.

